EDCI 335 Blog 4

In exploring inclusive learning, I selected the video “Inclusive Education” from YouTube. The video allows students to critically assess how the principles provided relate to their personal experiences and perspectives on inclusivity in the classroom, encouraging them to reflect on their understanding of inclusive education.

After watching the video, students are probably going to take notes and consider their own biases or experiences with inclusive education. This first reaction provides the basis for a more in-depth interaction with the information, enabling them to identify instances in which their comprehension coincides or varies from the video’s content.

I would recommend a follow-up exercise that involves participating in a discussion forum in order to further increase their understanding. Students can share their comments and offer ideas here on how to incorporate inclusive practices into their future teaching. The tools for this connection are provided by platforms such as Padlet or an LMS discussion board, which facilitate collaboration and encourage critical thinking.

An essential part of this learning process is feedback. Peer feedback is available to students through the discussion forum, and teachers can offer further help and insights through direct replies on the LMS or through video comments. This strategy guarantees prompt and helpful feedback, creating a positive learning environment that encourages ongoing development.

In order to ensure inclusivity, it’s critical to remove any obstacles by offering content in numerous formats (written, audio), as well as transcripts and subtitles for the video. This method meets a variety of learning demands and ensures that every student has access to the tools and assistance they need to use digital tools efficiently. Educators may create a dynamic and inclusive learning environment and increase student engagement by incorporating questions and prompts within the video.

These are links to my comments on my peers’ posts:

4 Responses to “EDCI 335 Blog 4”

  1. I totally agree with your idea. Your idea of ​​the whole process is somewhat similar to mine. I like your suggestions for follow-up exercises. I think this is very effective for learning. Pre-study and after-class exercises are both good methods.

  2. I agree with you that these types of activities can be very motivating and engaging for students.After watching the video, students can generate critical thinking based on their personal situations. Also like you said, students should engage in interaction and discussion with each other during follow-up exercises. I think one of the key points of inclusive teaching is for students to understand each other.Also the specific methods of interaction you propose are very actionable, and convenient and effective ways of interacting can also reduce the workload of the teaching process.

  3. Great post! I like how you will encourage learners to consider their own biases and experiences with inclusive education after watching the video. I think this is connected to the cognitivism and constructivism learning theories. This is very important, and it will also encourage them to think critically and deepen their understanding of your topic. I think it is a meaningful interactive activity for learners because it invites them to make connections to real-world contexts.

    I also really like how you would encourage a collaborative activity with Padlet or an LMS discussion board, and invite learners to provide and receive peer feedback. I think this is connected to the behaviourism learning theory.

    Thank you for sharing how you will make your Interactive Learning Resource accessible and inclusive – it shows your careful consideration of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) guidelines. I look forward to seeing your final ILR!

  4. I really agree with your point that feedback plays a crucial role, for example, students can provide feedback on the discussion board and the teacher can provide additional insights through direct responses or video comments. This approach not only ensures timely and constructive feedback, but also promotes a supportive learning environment.

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